Debit Card Processing

Debit card processing is one of the most convenient methods for disbursing and collecting funds. It’s a proven method of providing fast and flexible transactions at a lower cost than credit card processing for borrowers and for lenders.

Debit card transactions are convenient, as they can be conducted anytime, anywhere, on a network with unmatched availability. They’re fast, allowing for real-time funds disbursement and next-day receipt of funds paid and they’re efficient, as all transactions are managed and tracked electronically, reducing administrative burden and cash-on-hand requirements. 

Benefits of Debit Card Processing

Lenders, in particular, benefit from debit card processing, as they can:

Manage transactions Quickly and Easily

Funds can be disbursed and payments collected from the same card, improving transactions for lenders and borrowers. Disbursements through debit card processing are received by customers even faster than same-day ACH; while payments to lenders are received by ACH the next business day.

Access Real-Time Funding Solutions

Lenders can instantly push funds in real time to a borrower’s debit card, reducing wait times and cash-on-hand requirements. Additionally, the same card that accepts disbursals can be used to make payments, eliminating the need for additional prepay platforms and reducing the administrative burden on the lender.

Take Advantage of 24/7 Availability

Debit networks are always available, without restrictions to timing and location, so you and your customers can conduct business anytime, anywhere, at your own convenience.

Reduce Risk and Improve Security

Debit card processing takes place in real time, with instant notification of declined payments or insufficient funds, eliminating ACH returns and greatly reducing the financial risk to online or retail lenders. Advanced authentication tools provided through debit networks help to reduce fraud by providing real-time verification of card validity and user identity.

Minimize Costs

Least-cost routing and network interchange discounts ensure that each transaction is completed with the lowest available fees and charges, minimizing costs and saving money at every step.

Partner with Payliance For Debit Card Processing

Payliance is a fintech partner that specializes in flexible payment and risk mitigation software solutions. Our flexible debit card processing solution provides lenders with both real time funding and debit processing on one platform to allow funds to be disbursed, or payments collected on a debit card network with 24/7/365 availability. By leveraging least cost routing technology within our solution, lenders can minimize processing costs while ensuring funds are collected and disbursed as quickly as possible. 

Instant verification immediately authorizes transactions through the debit card network to eliminate fraud and the cost of ACH returns. With online reporting, lenders gain greater visibility into cash flow by easily accessing transaction history and intra-day transaction status.

Request a consultation with our debit card processing team to begin processing payments quickly and reliably.

Speak with our debit card Processing experts